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Landscape Photography

Does my identity rest in God or people?

Does my identity rest in God or people & the things of this world? Do I know who I am in Christ Jesus? Do I meditate on what God's word says about me or what people say? Beloved, only you can answer these questions for yourself. It's your choice to live life without Jesus Christ or with him. What will you decide? As believers in Christ, knowing who we are and who we belong to is critical in facing life's challenges. Are you unclear about your identity or need to be strengthened in what the Word of God says about you? Trust and believe you are not alone. No matter where you're at in your walk with Jesus (a babe in Christ, somewhere in the middle, or seasoned), here are 7 truths (out of many) to meditate on. 1. I AM fearfully & wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14) 2. I AM loved by God with an eternal love (Jeremiah 31:3) 3. I AM created in God's image (Genesis 1:27) 4. I AM chosen & appointed by God to go & produce lasting fruit (John 15:16) 5. I AM cares for me & about me (1 Peter 5:7) 6. I AM valuable to God (Matthew 6:25-34, 10:29-31, Luke 12:7) 7. I AM delights in my prayers (Proverbs 15:8)

LWR 11/18/22   V1.1

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